recent scam came from text first A list of recent Pet Care specific online scams received through email by PUPS members.
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recent scam came from text first

by Forum Member » Fri May 27, 2016 1:16 am

I responded to his text and asked several questions which they never answer! I stated I would have to check my rates to see if the amount he was offering was enough!

hahahah they all sucK!

On Monday, May 9, 2016, Eric hunt <erichunt445> wrote:
Hello,Thanks for Getting back to me,yes you are so right about your service been needed . I am relocating to your neighborhood from FLORIDA. I recently got a contract with a company on a private research job.However i need someone that will help me in running some few errands and pet sitting.I need someone to work 5 days per week 4 hours per day, someone that is matured whether young or older, loves pets, reliable and punctual. You will take care of a yr old Australian Terrier for 5 days a week and will have to take him on a walk, give him a bath, meals while we are away.Responsibilities for him will be to look after him,feed him meals,bath,keep him clean and safe.My pet is my life so i entrust you to give him the best care..

I will be offering you $500 weekly, i will be needing your services for 4 hours at any suitable time of yours between Monday-friday If you believe you are fit for this position in as much you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person,

I will instruct my financial to pay for the first week before our arrival so as to secure your service in advance.No problem about working for us and, we will be living close to your neighborhood. I and my family would be coming into town on the 25th of May so let me know when its most convenient for you to start and also my financial Clerk will make out a check to you before our arrival.You will receive a Certified Check which you will deduct your wages of $500 for the first week and the remaining funds will be used to buy foodstuffs and other things needed in the house.You will be getting the foodstuffs and some other items which you believe might be needed on or before the day of our arrival which will be the 24th of May.Actually our flights from FLORIDA will arrive at night so you will be getting the foodstuffs in the morning and making all other preparations.I will also instruct my estate agent to mail the keys of the apartment to you so as to do all other necessary preparations before we arrive.You have to get all this shopping before our arrival so that we wont have to start running around when we arrive,So my financial Clerk would be needing the following information to make out the check payment.....

Full Name:
Full address with zip-code & Apt Number:
Phone number:
Acceptance of offer:

All i need from you is total honesty and sincerity.I know you will be committed to the work,You will also have a nice period of time working with::))

i told him this doesn't work with my schedule.

he emailed back," What is your schedule we can make it work."

last email i stated, "you havent even told me your address yet!" :eek:

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by Forum Member » Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:48 pm

I got scammed by this same type of message! I didn't realize at first that it was a scam and actually answered. What do I do? What will they be doing with my information? Please help

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by Forum Member » Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:28 pm

They won't do anything, there's nothing they can do. It's some scam where either they send you a check that you're supposed to cash (I think) but it's from a bank in another country or you pay something....I don't know how they all work but with semi-broken English it's a dead giveaway that it's a scam.

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Re: recent scam came from text first

by Forum Member » Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:38 pm

I have been contacted via text by a man claiming to be moving to my area. He said he wanted me to walk his two German Shepherds four times a week. He even gave me the address of the house he is supposed to be moving into. I located the property and it is currently for sale. Looked it up online and it is listed for $1.2M.

He wants me to get some (very expensive) dog food and supplies. I checked at the local store and they don't have it. I told him he could order it online. He replied that that was fine, I could buy it online, and he would be sending me a check for $3,997. If he were buying the house he claimed, he must be quite wealthy.

Since he gave me a name and address, it seemed legit, but it felt wrong. He DID say he wanted to meet, Even sent me a pic of his dogs (supposedly) THEN he asked me to do this shopping errand in advance of the meeting, for which he'd pay me $100 additional. I don't get why he would pay me to order the supplies online when he could easily do it himself!

What does the scammer get out of this? I have been scammed before (didn't fall for it b/c I asked around), involving credit cards. The scammer wanted to pay me an additional amount via credit card, and have me write a check to pay his housekeeper. This situation doesn't have that kind of payoff, so what gives?

I gave him an address to send the check, but I'm not worried about that since it's a PO box and this is publicly available information. Anything special I should do? I thought about contacting the realtor and asking if the property was under contract...

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