I've noticed a big increase in Phishing lately, as well as hacked email boxes and virus laden computers.
The latest PHishing mails I've seen are faked from "LinkedIn" and fake antivirus program updates.
Everyone should be sure:
- You have anti-phishing turned on in your browsers (this catches fishing websites and warns you before displaying them)
- You have the latest version of your antivirus software.
- You don't click on ANY links in email or on facebook. Instead go directly to the website and login that way.
- Consider installing a password manager like LastPass. That way if a phishing site comes up, your last pass login won't come up and you'll know something is amiss.
- Change your email password as often as possible. At least once a month.
- Check your spam folder (especially yahoo users). If someone is spamming people, often the recipients will reply but the responses will go to the spam folder.