Welcome members! Find all the features of your PUPS membership (as well as a link back to our main website) by browsing the "Members Area Menu" at the top of the page. Or click on one of the topics below to access the most popular features we offer.
Keep your user login information printed and stored in a safe place.
All members are required to keep a properly functioning email address on their accounts. Memberships without functioning email addresses may be terminated.
A new form design for 2020!!!
Our forms have been revamped to be easier to customize, fill out, and use. The formatting of this new design allows
any user to quickly choose a new color scheme just by choosing a different theme inside Microsoft Word. A
replaceable watermark has also been placed on each page, and the information has been slightly rearranged for better flow. The
forms continue to be compatible with most other Microsoft Word alternatives, like LibreOffice (still free!).
The new forms have individually been uploaded to the library system and are available for your use, but please be patient while we
continue working on updating the instructions and combination packets. Look for forms with "2020" in their names under "Members Area Menu", "Library", "Forms & Contracts".
Pet Sitters Associates LLC now offers an independent discount on pet sitter liability insurance for pet sitting, dog walking, and poop scooping services to Professional United Pet Sitters association members. See this and more discounts on the Partner Business Discount page.
Please periodically click the Important Notices link from the Members Area Menu to read about other
important rules, updates, and membership changes.
Help clients learn why they should choose you as their trusted partner
for pet care. List what makes your business special on your pet sitter business listing.
Advertise your professionalism by showing clients your Official Membership Card and Certificate of Membership. Then work on increasing your SEO by adding a PUPS Official Member logo to your website.
Exclusive business partner discounts, helpful industry links, and more. Be sure to notice our premium discount code for Professional Pet Sitter Liability Insurance while you are browsing the listings!
Use the "Members Area Menu" dropdown at the top of the page to access PUPS merchandise, add a library CD, read about pet sitting scams, get an email alias, and much more. Or click the link below to view your User Profile.
Upon popular request, we have added a link below so that members can send donations. Donations are not required, nor expected!
We do appreciate everyone who feels the urge to go the extra mile to support PUPS - whether it be by volunteering, donations, or promotion to others.
A big thank you to you all!
Donate to PUPS via PayPal »